
If you would like to cite the software please use the following reference (this is a link to the paper you can download from here):

"STSE: Spatio-Temporal Simulation Environment Dedicated to Biology", Stoma S, Froehlich M, Gerber S, Klipp E, BMC Bioinformatics, BMC Bioinformatics, 2011, 12(1):126.

The API documentation can be generated from code using Epidoc tool. To browse, please follow the link:

There is also a document which describes the user case of the STSE environment (abstract description):

We currently try to publish more detailed description of STSE workflow. If you are interested how to start working with the package, please check the draft (it covers the workflow of STSE, which is prepared with the code examples and sample images):

Please check also the video tutorials presenting GUI applications from STSE package:

Other publications about STSE:

"STSE: Spatio-Temporal Simulation Environment Dedicated to Biology", Stoma S, Froehlich M, Gerber S, Klipp E, BMC Bioinformatics, BMC Bioinformatics, 2011, 12(1):126.

Spatio-Temporal Simulation Environment: A Microscopy Image Based Modelization Framework, Stoma S, Klipp E, Microscopy and Microanalysis, 16 (Suppl. 2) , pp 734-735, 2010.